Retail Therapy

Session 1 - How to walk through a store now that she has outgrown most shopping carts.

Hobby Lobby, Trader Joes, & even Publix during peak hours are challenging because Rowan is outgrowing most shopping carts. (@Target wins the award for best cart, even though it’s a beast!)

She still lacks the ability to walk through the store for more than a minute or two at a time. She stands up in the cart, lays down on the floor when she gets tired, tries to push the cart without the ability to control it, wants to be carried, and tries to touch absolutely EVERY item. I avoid going to most stores if she’s with me. Most kids are like this when they are little, but she’s 5 now and I’m realizing that I need to face this challenge before she’s too heavy to be carried through the store.

We were at Hobby Lobby, just the 2 of us. Big sister needed a bulletin board. It was a circus, but we did it. Then instead of insisting on being carried, Rowan held my hand and we walked together to our car. In that moment, I had a beautiful vision of the future. It occurred to me that like everything else, this will require patience and a lot of work. BUT she will get there AND it won’t always be so hard. I needed that encouragement after a difficult weekend involving a failed attempt at a family bike ride. (More on that another day.) For now, I’m going to try to focus on where progress IS happening.




Deciphering Pain